Tired of living life limited by your symptoms?

Let's uncover what's holding you back from wellness and fix it so you're free to get back to life!

If you're tired of feeling unwell in your own body and aren't sure where to turn next, it's time for Spinal Flow.

For the woman who's researched, detoxed, biohacked... and still isn't better

it's time for Spinal Flow.

You didn't ask for the unravelling...

But it came anyway.

The symptoms that crept in and never left.

The doctors who reassured“your labs are fine” even though you know this isn't how a healthy woman should feel.

The daily exhaustion that isn’t “just getting older.”

You’ve tried the diets. The supplements. The healing modalities, the mindset shifts, the deep breathing, the green juice, the meditations.

And still, no matter how clean you eat, how much you rest, how many protocols you follow—wellness stays just out of reach.

If you feel like you’ve been doing everything right and still feel unwell, you’re not crazy. You’re not broken. And you’re not alone.

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist and health coach.

For years, I was really sick and had to beg for tests to be done until finally someone listened. That someone was me,… I finally heard the voice inside me speak very clearly, if I wanted out of this, I had to do it for myself.

Once I decided to step fully into my power as the owner of my health, something nothing short of a miracle happened. The one missing piece I’d been searching for revealed itself.

I've been there, and I wasn't sure where to turn for relief.

Hi, I’m Brandy Searcy—a research scientist by training, a Spinal Flow practitioner by calling, and a woman who’s spent decades decoding her own symptoms when medicine kept shrugging.

I reverse-engineered my way out of chronic UTIs, hormone turmoil, and crushing fatigue. Navigated gaslighting from doctors who told me it was something to expect now that I was "older" (I was in my 30s at the time!). And even though I had so many wins, so many symptoms I conquered, more just kept popping up.

I still felt like warmed-over dog doo most of the time. Like I was treading water in open sea, wellness glimmering on the horizon like an island sanctuary I’d never reach. I could see it, shimmering with hope, but every stroke forward brought me no closer to that promised shore. I wasn’t living. I was just treading water.

Then something incredible happened. On a random Thursday, my friend Jen sent me a pic, and I couldn't dial numbers fast enough to schedule an appointment.

I didn’t discover Spinal Flow in a blissed-out yoga class, I found it from a friend who sent me a photo that made my jaw drop. And from the very first touch, I felt my body begin to unwind in a way it never had before.

If you’ve done everything and are starting to feel wellness is a mirage, I see you. I was you. And if you're ready to try something that might actually work, I’d love to meet you.

Read the full story (& see that photo that changed my life) →

So, what the heck is Spinal Flow?

It’s not massage.
It’s not Reiki.
It’s not traditional chiropractic.

Spinal Flow is a gentle-touch technique that releases deeply stored stress by working with your body's innate wisdom and your nervous system’s natural blueprint for healing.

The method was developed by Dr. Carli Axford, a chiropractor who realized that heavy-handed adjustments weren’t helping people heal. But light, strategic touch? It triggered real, lasting change.

This isn’t about anyone “fixing” you. This is your body finally getting the signal it’s been waiting for, the signal to drop the survival response and shift into heal mode.

That’s what happens in a Spinal Flow session. I'll "talk" directly with your nervous system through light-touch along the spine, locate the stress patterns keeping you stuck, and invite your body to release what it’s been holding onto for way too long.

Who I work with

I work with women who’ve kept it together for way too long.

Women who are quietly unraveling while still showing up for everyone else.

Women who keep spreadsheets for symptoms, supplement regimens, and school pickup—but can’t remember the last time they felt good in their body.

Women who’ve seen the specialists, read the blogs, cut the gluten, and still wake up tired.

You might be holding down a full-time job and managing the house and holding space for your partner and carrying grief you never gave yourself full permission to feel.

You might not even realize you’re in burnout because “it’s just life right now,” but your body’s telling a different story... through inflammation, insomnia, flare-ups, or that deep, soul level ache you can’t shake.

I work with women who are used to holding it all and are getting tired from carrying the weight.

You don’t have to muscle your way through this anymore. There's a way to set it all down without letting anybody down.

Because you’ve done enough. You’ve held it all together longer than anyone should have to.

And your body? She’s been screaming for a long time. The fatigue that doesn’t lift.

The symptoms that continue to return even when you've made all the changes. The not-quite-right feeling you can’t name but can’t ignore.

This isn’t about pushing harder.

This is about communicating in a language your body understands so it gets the message, its safe to heal now.

For me, the benefits went far beyond my physical health. I felt more present in my body and had more clarity in making everyday decisions.

Where to start

Book Your Free Assessment

Let’s take the first step together.

In your free Spinal Flow assessment, we’ll:

  • Look at where your body is storing stress

  • Identify the physical, emotional, or chemical patterns keeping you stuck

  • And map a clear path forward—toward relief, ease, and finally feeling at home in your own body

What to expect during your assessment

Here's what that free assessment looks like:

  • A quick! health history:

    I hate! long health history forms (especially when the practitioner doesn't read them before that first visit!!!). They're also super annoying when I have no idea whether I'm going to vibe with the practitioner or continue to see them after that first time.

    This is a one-page (front side only) super quick form on what's bothering you most and how long it's been bothering you. I actually read it before we meet. You'll receive an email with download link once you book your free assessment.

    On the day of your assessment, we'll go over that form quickly to be sure I'm clear about your biggest health concerns and your health and wellness goals.

  • Visual Assessment:

    I'll guide you through a quick movement series to assess the general area where you are carrying "blockages" in your spine.

  • Touch Assessment:

    Palpation allows me to pinpoint the exact area of blockage and determine which type of stress (physical, emotional, or chemical) is stored in that spot along your spine.

  • Consult:

    We'll talk through the findings of the assessment, whether Spinal Flow will support you, and a recommended treatment plan.

You'll walk away from this assessment knowing exactly where in your spine you're storing layers of stress and what type of stress is contributing to your symptoms.

Finding Healing through Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow was so transformational in my own healing, I started recommending it to anyone who mentioned a health problem whether it was as "mild" as back pain or something truly life limiting (like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's).

Problem was, most of the people I recommended it to couldn't find a practitioner nearby.

Even here in North County San Diego, there aren't many Spinal Flow practitioners. And, so, to help fill that void, I applied for formal certification in the Spinal Flow Technique to serve clients here in North County.

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